sry this few days nvr post...seriously fell ill...
wed got headache le...then nvr go sch...morning go c docter then went home sleep...
then at nite went 2 the same doctor...then take injection...
did not fell pain cause was thinking abt her=)
then the next day my temperature was lyke 38.8...
damn sian...then stay at home sleep...then woke up at abt 6 then take temperature again...39.8....
then went 2 hospital cause of my parents...then sit in the isolation room(quite cool lol)then hav 2 wear mask also damn difficult 2 breathe la...
then c the doctor...damn ex....
went home n sleep...then now posting lor...
k i go rest le....2moro not going sch...
signing off:silent
i am ill...so wad?i still hav her=)
sry this few days nvr post...seriously fell ill...
wed got headache le...then nvr go sch...morning go c docter then went home sleep...
then at nite went 2 the same doctor...then take injection...
did not fell pain cause was thinking abt her=)
then the next day my temperature was lyke 38.8...
damn sian...then stay at home sleep...then woke up at abt 6 then take temperature again...39.8....
then went 2 hospital cause of my parents...then sit in the isolation room(quite cool lol)then hav 2 wear mask also damn difficult 2 breathe la...
then c the doctor...damn ex....
went home n sleep...then now posting lor...
k i go rest le....2moro not going sch...
signing off:silent
i am ill...so wad?i still hav her=)